The stellarium wizard101
The stellarium wizard101

I'm not personally a Myth player, but it's a school I've admired for its uniqueness and combat style. 0 Comments 'I was just telling Malorn here that weve gained access to the District of the Stars, which is where the Stellarium is located.' He simply threw his patented smirk my way, to which I rolled my eyes at jokingly, before turning to Edith. Sadly, I think Myth is arguably a terrible school. I've heard it's fun to play, and I'm sure it is, but I think Myth has no role in this game. I have been making Myth wizards, leveling them and then deleting them to make an Ice, rinse and repeat. What can Myth do that another school can't do better or just as well? The Storm and Fire schools do more damage than Myth does.

the stellarium wizard101

Myth basically has the same health pool as fire. Half of their spells are completely irrelevant to group play, and their double hits lose their effectiveness because you can't buff them with traps properly. The only utility I really see in Myth is their ability to shift debuffs and avoid some cheats in certain dungeons. Don't argue the novelty that the pierce and shatter card are, the treasure cards are easily obtainable, and their usage isn't associated with Myth anymore.

the stellarium wizard101

The exception of some very specific usages in specific dungeons, and the fact that the entire school's utility can be summed up into a couple treasure cards doesn't warrant the school's use to me. I seriously can't seem to identify the role of Myth in this game.

the stellarium wizard101

I don't know how many other posts address this issue, but quite frankly, I've argued with people in-game about it, and when I ask them to tell me Myth's role, they dodge the question and say it's a fun school.

The stellarium wizard101